Anne Ganivet-Poumellec: Secretary
Jean Loup Morin: Tresurer
Ricardo Schabelmann: Under-secretary
Damasia Amadeo
Marina Lusa
Anne Charlotte Gauthier
Daniela Fernandez
Marina Frangiadakis
Paz Corona
David Yemal
Thierry Jacquemin
Charles-Henri Crochet
Luis Solano
Punctual and/or regular Consultants
Brigitte Jacques-Wajeman: Production and scenography
Adviser to the Director: Madame Judith Miller
Strictly punctual Consultants
Yves Depelsenaire, Gérard Wajcman, Guy Briole (ECF)
Leonardo Gorostiza (AMP-America)
Ricardo Seldes (Argentine), Jorge Forbes (Brasil)
Marco Fochi (Italy) Xavier Esqué (Spain)
Hugo Freda (ECF) Juan Fernando Perez (NEL)
Marco Mauas (Israel), Daniel Roy (Eastern Europe),
Pierre-Gilles Gueguen (NLS), Vicente Palomera (FELP),
and Gérard Miller
* * *
Volume III Scilicet – VII Congress of the l’WAP
« Semblants et sinthome »
Edition: Pascale Fari and Hervé Damase
Translations: Marie-Josée Asnoun and his team
Coordination: the President of the WAPP and the Director of the Congress
Reading Committee Scilicet-WAP:
ECF: Hugo Freda, Jean-Louis Gault
EOL: Monica Torres and Ana Ruth Najles
SLP: Marco Fochi and Fabio Galimberti
EBP: Iordan Gurgel and Angelina Harari
NEL: Juan Fernando Perez and Maria Hortensia Cardenas
NLS: Pierre-Gilles Gueguen and Roger Litten
ELP: Xavier Esqué and Clara Bardon
Action Committee of the School One of the WAP
Marie-Hélène Blancard
Luisella Brusa
Ana Lydia Santiago
Sylvia Tendlardz
Lizbeth Ahumada
Anne Lysy
Paris, February 2009, Organizing Commission of the 2010 Congress |