Enrolment for the closing party
We are pleased to invite the « Newcomers » of the WAP Congress 2010 to enrol for, and participate in, the Closing Party that will take place on the evening of Friday, April 30, 2010, at the Cabaret Sauvage, La Villette.
The enrolment fee is 50 euros for the European zone and 40 euros for the Americas.
To enrol, a new link has been added today on the WAP site (http://www.wapol.org/) and on the WAP Congress Blog (http://amp2010paris.wordpress.com).
The link is called « Enrolment for the Closing Party » Here you may fill in the enrolment form and arrange payment.
The Members of the WAP, already enroled for the Congress, but not as yet for the party, can do so using this link. Newcomers will do the same.
As you can imagine, the number of entries is not unlimited, so we invite you to proceed immediately.
Later, we will give you more details about the place, the famous Parisian Dance hall, about the different means we will put at your disposition to get you there and, about the party itself.
The Organizing Committee |